
Tired, depressed, psyched out, and lonely : very complainsive

I haven't posted for a month and a half almost. Just to update you mike is either cheating on me or utterly hates me, I think I could be pregnant, and i'm sinking into a pit of depression. All I do is work... oversleep..... work.... oversleep. All my energy is gone and there is absolutely no part of the day that makes me happy. The one or two times I get to see mike throughout the week are preceeded by arguing, consist of arguing, and are followed by arguing. I'm just plain scared. Scared of being pregnant... terrified that mike has turned into one of those guys that old ppl always warn you about.... and you just say, okay.... yeah, I know. The kind of guy who screws you and then leaves you. Leaves you with the responsibility of his child. I know I'm going overboard.... I haven't even missed my period yet. It just is the worse feeling in the world to not feel supported by the one who loves you, or at least t hat's what he used to t ell me. I'm just depressed tonight. I don't know if you can tell. I have myself psyched out, and I'm lonely. Oh well, I had today off. It was okay. I caught up on about half the laundry I need to get done.... and cleaned out my car, which was growing odd substances. I went to a wedding, stayed at the reception forever and then came home.... I haven't done anything b ut sit on the couch. I just watched a movie with my sis and bro in law who are in town for the weekend. It was nice to be off.... but then again, I feel like it was a w asted day. The point of having a day off is to spend it with mike or to go out.... or to get things accomplished.... not just half way. I guess I'm going to bed. Tommorow is just another ordinary day. church work church sleep. I probably won't have time to post for a w hile again.