Well, it is official. They took my car away this morning. Well, took it away from the shop; it has not been home with me for over two weeks. My poor little crushed front roxy edition toyota echo is gone forever. I am waiting on the insurance company, the adjuster to be specific, to call me and tell me I can come get my check. I would like to test drive a few cars first, but I'm pretty much set on a beetle at james' work. I would link the bill talley lot, but I guess they haven't put it up on the website yet. It's an '05 baby blue convertible vw beetle. I can see myself riding around in it. :)
The insurance company has been very frustrating through this all. Well, once again, the adjuster has been specifically irritating. My accident was on the 12th. The adjuster called me on Tuesday, the 16th to let me know they were going to fix it, and that I should have it towed to the shop. He would send the information to them. By friday, they still hadn't received ANY communication from my insurance company. I called up that morning, and he returned my call with a voicemail apologizing and saying it would send it right over. I gave him a direct fax number, but I guess he couldn't do it until he was back in the office that monday. So they finally start working on my car, or pulling it apart anyway; and they find more damage than what the adjuster bothered to notice. James had actually said the frame was bent when he looked at it, and I'm assuming that is what they found at the shop. This all happened on Thursday. James called to tell me my car was being totalled (he works in sales at bill talley, where I was getting it fixed). My insurance company didn't call me, but my parents home phone later that evening to tell me that my car was being totalled and I needed to get my stuff out of it. This is the second time they have called my parent's instead of me. It's been very frustrating. They have my cell number; I don't understand why they keep calling the wrong number. My mom called me immediately at work, gave me the number; but when I called back (it couldn't have been more than 5 min) the guy was out of the office. Well, I called him back the next morning and he didn't really tell me much more, just the value of my car. Now I have to wait for mr. adjuster. Oh yes, he's my favorite character of the allstate team. I will probably call him tomorrow, if he doesn't call me before I go into work. I just want a car! I mean, is that really too much to ask?
On another note, I went to court for my speeding ticket on friday against recommendations to get a continuance, mostly because I just lost track of time and never sent in the request. Yeah, I pled guilty with a request for driving school, which I was denied. So that was a lovely waste of my friday morning. I haven't gotten a lawyer for my reckless ticket. I probably should. I just don't want to waste my money. I'm going to try to take some documents to court stating I had faulty equipment. I'm sure I'll keep you posted on that one. I may actually get my license suspended again. :( Ug, I swear, I'm actually afraid they can send me to jail for this; but you have to have an arraignement and a lawyer for any crime that they can send you to jail for, right? I sure hope so!
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