
The world is always spinning, and it's making me dizzy.

I've obviously not taken the beaten path in my life. I have career ambitions, but I'm not freaking out that they are still in distant view. I feel secure in this. And then something comes and just hits me. I am 24 years old and still working at Ukrop's. That is slightly laughable, considering i still haven't spent one day in college. I have to remind myself to stop letting everyon elses's expectations set mine, as well. Not that mine should be lower, but they are most definitely different. I have learned, and continue to do so, amazing work ethics under someone I respect very well. Maybe my steps toward bettering myself only compare to the baby steps of someone else, but I love what I do and I'm trying to not be so ashamed of it. I had a similar discussion with my manager last night. Yes, pay is an issue; but I think my main annoyance is title, prestige. I'm so sick of being called the flower girl. It's demeaning and frustrating. I do as much work as an assistant manager, but we don't have a title close or similiar to that.
As far as life ambitions, those all seem in distant view as well. The means, the path if your will, is there; but it's like I just don't walk down the path quickly enough. James and I still haven't set a date, and the longer it takes us to set it... the farther away it's going to have to be. There are many other frustrations going through my head right now, but I won't post them out of respect for other parties. I just want to feel on top the mountain again, like I mentioned in my last post. I think the main reason I feel so frustrated is that I really do face ridicule in all this. I hear the words, whether they are direct or not, that compare others to me.
They generally come out on the winning side of the weight balance.
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