
This better work this time

Sometimes I get really mad at blogger.com. Lot's of cool features to my blog.... but it makes me very very angry when I spend a good 5 minutes typing up something and then it doesn't post. I c ould be doing better things then sitting on my butt in front of my computer.
I'm waiting for my sweetie t o come over a nd change my oil.... i t's later than I expected him (as always). I should be showering or cooking h is dinner... or something productive but.... yeah, I'm not. Just playing free cell.... losing, uncharacteristically (I think I made up that word.... way t oo many syllables).
Yeah, I've had some psycho moments r ecently. Mike and I definitely had a huge fight monday night. He said pretty much the worst thing he could possibly say to me. I hurt him physically pretty much the worst I could.... actually, it was the w orse. I was hitting him like he was my attacker. I d on't know what really stopped me.... maybe when I realized he wasn't going to let me leave and it was pointless to hit him... or maybe when I saw that I had made him bleed. Nonetheless, our arguments seem to get w orse.... but t he making up is getting sweeter. I'm not sure if that's a good thing. I think t hat they should just stop. I hate being the couple at every party/get together that is fighting. Monday night.... both of us had been slightly intoxicated, but this argument w as much later after we had been sobered up. Can't blame the alcohol on our psychotic behaivor. It's so weird how we can be so abusive and then the next day doing everything possible for each other. *sigh* well.. it's getting late... I should do something productive