
Empty House

I just got off from hectic Ukrop's a little bit ago. It was fun.... day before thanksgiving.... grocery store.... well, I'm sure you can imagine. I'm exhausted.... sinking into depression b/c of the cold, or maybe it's just that time of the month. All I know is that there isn't much I want to do. I don't feel well, and leaving the house requires walking in the bitter cold to my car. I heard it is snowing in west virginia, which is where I'm going tommorow for thanksgiving. Looking forward to seeing family, not looking forward to seeing any white fluffy stuff. My parents are already in west virginia so I get the house tonight.... minus them and plus mike. You would think t hat w ould put me in an ecstaticly happy mood; and, don't get me wrong, I'm excited to see him. I just don't feel like doing much. Thought about inviting a friend over to pass the time before he c an get here.... but haven't done anything else but think about it. Was supposed to be helping a friend move right now..... but decided to do laundry and sit around instead.
Well, Happy Thanksgiving everyone.... be safe.


Anonymous said...

Wicked layout!!
The man