
So its Christmas 2003 One week until 2004. I was trying to kind of reminisce over the last year. so I got out my schedule planner for the past year I always end up putting stupid comments in it like "day scott leaves for miami and you never get to talk to him again." I can't believe that one year ago we were still together. It seems lik we've been broken up.... or rather that I've been lonely for so much longer than that. I guess that is what happens when you try to have a long-distance relationship with someone you have never met... oh the drama. You know what's weird? Less than three weeks after we officially broke up (which actually came as a surprise b/c we hadn't talked for around 2weeks) I wwas already out there dating. Trying to fill the void. I still haven't. The closer a guy tory to get to me.. the bitching I get. Anyways, back to my year...
Jan-July are a blurr. I suppose I was happy in love. Or maybe I"m trying to forger how weak I was. I couldn't ask my dad... or tell him... thatI wanted to go see scott. It was constantly on my mind. THe failed attemptsare definitely uncountable. We grew farter apart b/c he couldn't understand my fear. He had a right to be upset though.... and I totally understand. I tried to stop being such a hermit and actually went out w/ my friends on more than a monthly basis... I even ventured to take my car, jen, and joey to the beach. That was fun. Soon after scott left to go see his sister and didn't get back till after I went on vacation w/ my family. When I got back, He still wasn't home... and the first time we talked... he broke up w/ me (july 4th)
So here are the guys that followed:
bank guy that dad didn't approve of b/c he was black - 2 dates
then there was that old friend that goes to school out of town and had a gf - 3 "hanging out" dates haha
umm then ther weas that fat guy who my friend set me up w/ - I think 3 dates?
now.. well now there this guy that my best friend is trying to set me up w/. We've hung out for the past three or four weekends. He has a bad rep for being a palayer... but so far he's only ben a gentenleman w/ me. I'm so sick of guys that try to take advantage of me... but I don't really care if I'm in a relationship or not. I mostly date to keep my friends happy. I need to work on my own self image.. in more ways than one