
"House of Sins"

A legacy to the online community of "ana" and "mia," house of sins is no longer a informative site; it is now a live journal. Of course, I hadn't been there in ages.... the site went down like two years ago. I missed it then.... but soon got over it. Eh, no one knows what I'm talking about. I was just surfing the web.... came across a link to the page. I was reading about these girls struggles... and it brought me back to when I used to be like that. People don't understand that its not always for attention. Somedays all I wanted to do was be alone. Absolutely alone. I would scream at my family members if they as so m uch knocked on my door. Here's one of the posts:

user: fuckedupandfat
I suck. I'm not getting out of bed today. I ate loads all night, and didn't purge. This morning i am still empty inside as always. It is always a futile attempt to fill some big hole that exists for reasons i cant explain. I am supposed to be playing rugby right now but i feel so fat, ugly and disgusting that i dont want any one to see me. I know i am letting the team down but i just want to dissapear.If only people knew how lonely my life has been and how numb i've been so alone. Bulimia feels like home to me. Life is so muted with an eating disorder but i guess that's the point. i'm scared to give it up, it might hurt more with out it.

Current Mood: depressed


Anonymous said...

j;ljkl;j;ljl;k bbblllaaahhhhhh...