
He thinks that is just okay to call m e randomly a couple of times a year. What for? I'm not exactly sure. He must think that once he hangs up on me that I turn to sobs. I'm not weak like that anymore. Of course, I have an inkling that he does it because he wants to know that I'm okay. It's always t he same conversation. He's vague about everything going on in his life. This time he told a bit more than last.... he's still in alaska but planning on moving to t he "east coast" sometime soon. No paticular region or state.... all he felt comfortable s aying was the east coast. Whatever. He always wants to know if I'm okay.... if I'm still w/ Mike.... if I'm pregnant. Then he says something condescending about me. Like this t ime he said that I wouldn't make a fit mother so it's a good thing. Whatever. I pretty m uch had the same responses... same questions as always. Whatever. I suppose this will go on until I change my number.. or actually, he might just call my parents and bribe them into giving him my number. So I'm pretty much just feelinglike s aying.... whatever to it all.