

So, I should post and tell all about this huge fight I had w/ my dad. I just don't feel like going into details. What it boils down to....
He exploded at me when I was leaving for my normal saturday night w/ mike. Something I've been doing for like.... almost a year, every weekend. He called me a whore. He told me I wasn't saved. He said that I use the house as a hotel. I never want to be around him or my mom. I don't speak to him. I'll tell everyone else things about me and not him. He asked me if I wanted to go speak to the pastor. He told me to leave and never come back. He wouldn't let me leave. After a half an hour... he finally let me go.
Don't think I d idn't have my hateful comments back. I told him I hated being around him... and so forth. Made him shut up for about a half a minute when I told him he was the only one that ever made me take a knife to myself.... a half a minute. Not much of a shocker. I thought it w ould be a big deal. He just told me I wans't saved. As if, someone who has a relationship w/ God can't be pushed to depression. If only they knew the horrible things I did when I w as younger. Thank God I'm stronger than that know. I left, thinking I wouldn't ever come back... but reality always sinks in. I d on't want to have to deprive myself of luxuries so that I can have my own place. I know I will sink myself into a hole I can't get out of. So here I am.... hoping that I can just avoid him... I know my mom doesn't hold grudges.... but he always bottles things up and explodes at me.... I can't wait till I push him for the next explosion...