
Anchovies, anyone?

I just want to send out a warning that I'm mad at anyone who knew.... and didn't tell me.... that anchovies were in caesar dressing! That is disgusting! My boss (who's a vegetarian, as well) told me that today.... I've been feeling sick since. Just to think.... how many caesar salads I've had.... ug, it makes me want to hurl. I know you think I'm over reacting.... but.... come on?!?! You have to understand somewhat... Little animals.... I don't eat flesh. Okay.... no more talk of this.... but that's gross!

Anyways, Life is moving on. I'm tired and sick. I hate it when it gets all cold outside.... I dont' feel like I warm up until summer comes back. I'm going to be in a constant state of cold until... like.... April.... which is a very long ways a way. I'm not looking forward to this. Can you tell?

Mike has been a sweetie lately.... for the most part. I love it when he does the small things.... yeah... and I've come to realize he was right about a few things. I guess that would make me wrong about a few things? Well, you win some, and you lose some. That's all I know.