
Miss Lamentations

That is my log-in name for this website. I think I picked well. Miss implying that I'm a young woman... it almost already makes me sound whiny, and then lamentations, how much more overly dramatic can I be? Lamenting is something someone does when they are in atrocious agony, not when someone stands them up for dinner. When I started this blog... what, three years ago? I was having a hard time relapsing from my eating disorders. Finding distortion attractive. One day I was starving myself, the next day completely normal. One day I was talking to people like I was psycho saying things about eating is for the weak and so forth, the next day I would have taken offense if you looked at me funny for not finishing my salad. It's funny how that time of my life is so clear to me... those times in my life always do seem to be clear. When I'm fucked up, apparantly it makes a lasting impression on my mind, but don't ask me what I did yesterday because first you would have to tell me what day of the week yesterday was.