
Every Encounter

Lust is wanting every encounter to end in sex, love is wanting every encounter to never end.

I've had a bad day. I don't want to get into it... maybe some other day. Today, I'm going to set out to disprove myself. This is a letter I don't understand. It shows a side of my father I've never physically seen before. It exists on this paper I hold. He was basically asked to write it for a project I had in school... so don't think it's too sweet. I suppose he meant it, and I suppose it was nice of him. I just can't make it change my opinion of him. Maybe it will yours.

January 6, 2000

Dear Stephanie,

My first impression of you started long before you were born. Since your sister was born 3 weeks before her due date and because the doctor told us that the second baby usually comes earlier, we started expecting you 4 weeks before you were actually born. We kept praying and waiting, praying and waiting, and praying and waiting, but still no Stephanie. Finally on the day after your due date, you decided to join us. It seems like even today, we are always waiting on Stephanie. We knew that day that God had blessed us with a very special gift from heaven; that you would have a mind of your own; that you would do things in your own time and at your own speed.

My ambition for you was very simple. It wasn't that you be a doctor or lawyer or even an engineer some day, but that you would be healthy and happy; that you would accept Christ as your own personal Savior at a young ange and some day serve Him faithfully in what area he would call you. My ambitions for you today remains the same along with some new ones; that you would take advantage of the opportunity you have in getting a good education at Landmark Christian School, some day going to a christian college to further your education and some day in the far future meeting the mate that God would have you marry.

My advice to you today would be:

  1. Seek to put Christ in everything you do
  2. Treat others like you would want to be treated
  3. Be thankful for the things and opportunities that are given you

Love you, your dad



you would think that if you were dating someone.... you would have a desire to see them.


Life Goes On

Well, its been a while. I've been busy lately. Um, basically, I'm doing very well. I have a wonderful boyfriend whom, for some reason I can't fathom, I am still with. We went on a trip to west virginia on thanksgiving day. It was weird... I went to see my grandfather who had had one of his three open heart surgeries done. I thought that I would be able to go while my mom or someone else was there, but it was jut mike and I. I am so glad he went with me b/c he can pretty much talk anytime... and I had no clue what to say to my grandfather. But yeah... that week was good. My parents went up there before me and came back after... so mike and I got to spend some quality time together without my parents breathing down my neck to be on home on time.... that and I got to wake up next to him.... something I had mentioned I missed doing in my last post. My grandfather is doing okay now. He had a leaky valve in his heart and the first surgery they went in and repaired it. That didn't work so they had to re-operate and replace the valve, then they went back in again to clean everything up. My mom was out of town a lot of the past month to be with my grandparents, but she's back now and we are starting getting ready for christmas... Something I'm not financially stable for yet. I pretty much know that I'm going to have a transaction bounce on monday.... unless I can find 5 or 6 dollars in change somewhere. I really don't want to borrow money from anyone else right now... I feel like I'm just digging myself deeper and deeper into a hole. Anyways, enough of the depressing stressful stuff. Life is good... if only mike would call me today. I was going to fix him some food since I doubt he's had much to eat today. He's just as broke as I am..... but I don't know where he is so I don't know if he would even be able to eat it. ~sigh~ I guess I can just hope I'll hear from him before I go to work. Until then... life will go on...